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Listen to the following dialogues in which people greet one another, take leave and introduce themselves and others. Note the language used to perform these functions.

(It is Rafiq's first day at work. He introduces himself to Janet, the head of his department.)
Rafiq : Good morning, ma'am. I am Rafiq Ahmad. I joined today and was asked to report to you.
Janet : Good morning, Rafiq. I am pleased to meet you. Welcome to Magna Publications. It will be nice having you in the department.
Rafiq : Thank you. I look forward to working here.
(It is a meeting that Anand is attending. He meets the Chairman of company that he has recently joined.)
Chairman : I am pleased to meet you. I understand you have joined recently.
Anand : I am pleased to meet you too. Yes, I am Anand, and I have joined the information technology cell.
Chairman : I hope you have been having a pleasant introduction to our nature of work.
Anand : Yes, I have been enjoying it. Thank you.
(Janet introduces Rafiq, a new employee, to Aruna, another employee in the company.)
Janet : Aruna, I'd like to introduce Mr Rafiq Ahmad to you. He's our new production assistant. Rafiq, this is Ms Aruna Jain, one of our editors.
Aruna : Hello, Rafiq. Glad to meet you.
Rafiq : Nice to meet you too, Ms Jain.
Aruna : You can call me Aruna. We use first names here.

(Vishal is at a wedding reception. He introduces himself to Jacob, his sister's classmate.)
Vishal : Hello. I am Vishal, Smita's brother.
Jacob : Hi, Vishal! Nice to meet you.
Vishal : Nice to meeting you too.
(Gita meets her neighbour Girish at a restaurant. She introduces him to her cousin Deepti, who is with her.)
Gita : Hi, Girish. What a pleasant surprise!
Girish : Hi. I am meeting my friends here. It's Tony's birthday.
Gita : Girish, I don't think you've met my cousin Deepti. She's come from Kolkata on a short visit. Deepti, this is Girish, our neighbour. He is studying economics at Nagpur University.
Deepti : That's nice. Pleased to meet you, Girish.
Girish : Nice to meet you too.


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